Multi-Currency Account

Receive & send multiple currencies

Exchange currencies at unbeatable rates.

Avoid exchange rate risk

Currency fluctuations will not be a threat to the security of your funds.

Save different currencies

You can save your money in multiple foreign currencies.

Create as many accounts
as you like.

Receive money in different currencies

You can also create accounts for different purposes under your profile


Do it all
with one App

Save your money from high markups and expensive international banking fees when sending your savings overseas. Enjoy same-day transfers to over 100 countries in major currencies, accessible from any device, anytime.

Your money is safe


Your money is held and protected with established and Authorised banks in safeguarded accounts.

Audited regularly

We make sure your money’s secure.


You, and only you, can get to your money.

Data protection

We’re committed to keeping your personal data safe.

24/7 personal support

You will have a personal dedicated manager to help you.

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